Monday, December 26, 2011

One Month Old!

Eli turned one month old on Christmas day.  He had a check up last Monday and everything is going great!  He was not gaining as much weight as they would have liked to start with, so we increased feedings to every two hours.  He gained 7 ounces in about four days, but the doctor wanted him to continue to gain about seven ounces within a week.  On last Monday, he was up to 7lbs. 13oz.  He had gained 12 ounces in a week!!  His increased feedings obviously did the trick!  We don't go back to the doctor until his two month check up because he is doing so well! 

My little man is focusing more and more every day and is starting to follow us with his eyes when we walk by.  He is normally pretty good sitting by himself, unless he's hungry... but sometimes when he's not getting as much attention as he would like, he yells at us!  It's not so much a cry as a little shout, just to remind us he's there and we could hold him if we like.  He is absolutely wonderful and is content about 85 % of the time.

Quick nap.

Please stop flashing that light in my face!

He really likes his pacifier... could be good or bad??

Sleeping diaper baby. :-)

But of course stays awake when it's time to sleep!

His pot belly evidence of gaining that weight!

I put him on his play mat today and he LOVED it!  He laid there for probably an hour to an hour and a half perfectly content.  He also has been smiling a lot more lately, whether he knows what he's doing or not, I have no clue.  But I did try and capture it on camera. But a lot like his cousin Lila was a first, he doesn't want to smile when you get the camera out.

What is this thing mom?

Well... maybe it's not too bad...

A semi-smile?

He was mesmerized by this frog!

So happy and sweet!

 Well!  Here is my beautiful one month old!  I hope everyone thinks he is as beautiful and wonderful as I do. Christmas posts are soon to come!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Beautiful baby!

I can't believe my baby is already two weeks old!  I feel like time is flying by already!  The most repetitive piece of advice I've received is to not take a second for granted.  I think I realized that by day three.  I can't imagine leaving him, (though I'm sure I will soon enough!)  I know it might seem silly, but I feel like he already has so much personality.  Every day he changes and has different faces and cries and sounds.  It's wonderful. He is generally a very happy baby, unless he's hungry.  In that case, you better have some food for him at that second, and it's generally every hour!  Here are a few pictures of him over the past two weeks, hope you enjoy!

Getting ready to leave the hospital.

Waiting on daddy to pull the car around.

After bath time!

My little bulldawg!

LOVE this outfit!

This is my favorite. :-)

These are just a few of the tons I've taken, but these are the best to me!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

He's Here!!!

Elijah Jackson White has arrived!  After much anticipation, Eli is here!  As suspected, he came the day after Thanksgiving, but at least we got to eat some great food before the trip to the hospital.  The doctor decided to induce me because of an irregularity in his heart beat.  We went to the hospital Thanksgiving night and started the process.  By 6:55 on November 25th, Eli made his appearance.  As soon as they put him in my arms, all pain and worry disappeared, (at least for a couple of hours!)   He weighed 7 lbs and 4 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.  The perfect size for the perfect baby. :-)

After he was born, they monitored his heart and did not seem very concerned, most newborns have an arrhythmia that disappears within a few days.  They did want to send him to the cardiologist to ensure he was healthy.   We went last Thursday and the cardiologist told us, before and after a few tests, that he has an innocent heart murmur.  As stated, it is completely innocent and means nothing to his health.  It will disappear within a few months.  Thank God for watching after him and blessing us with such a beautiful baby boy!




Paw Paw.



Best thing EVER!