Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I know I am awful at this.  I will try to make a good post soon, but in the meantime... here is a preview of our little one!

I will hopefully have more soon!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Horrible Blogger.

I know!  I have been awful lately and not updated the blog.  But a lot of things have been happening!  David and I both got new jobs, and I started school again, so we have been a LITTLE busy...
Eli has been amazing and wonderful as usual.  He amazes me every single day at how wonderful and how big of a blessing he is on my life.  Everyday I come home from work, I just look in that little face and remember that he makes all of our hard work worth it.  Eli uses his voice box constantly nowadays.  Whether that be jabbering, whining, or laughing, although he hardly ever whines.  He is seriously one of the happiest babies I have ever seen, I can look at him and smile and he will grin his face off, or even laugh.  Just earlier tonight I was talking to him and he was cracking up!  David heard him from the other room and came running.  It's as if we can not get enough of our little man.  Eli still is not rolling all the way over, although I'm pretty sure he could if he wanted to.  He sleeps on his side and still loves to stand up.  He is starting to stay on his stomach more these days and staring at the toys in front of him, when before, he would just roll onto his back.  Oh!  And he is eating baby food now!  When we went to visit Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Jared, and cousins Lila and Beckett, Eli saw Beckett eating and decided he was ready too!  So now, he is eating two full jars and still wanting more!  We are about to move to stage 2!  Okay, enough of the talking, here are some pictures that I know everyone wants to see!

My little man.

It's tough work being a baby.


Quality Grandad time!

He loved those peas!

Eli and Maw Maw.

Jump jump!

Ready to eat!

Two full jars on day three!

Sweetest man ever.

Hope you enjoy!  I know I sure do!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nap time!

This is what Eli decided to do during nap time today.

Stare into the monitor and blow raspberries. :-)  Love this baby!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

3 months!

Eli is now 3 months old!!  So hard to believe how big my baby is getting... He continues to talk all the time and has started laughing out loud!  It is, by far, the absolute best sound in the entire world.  The best part of my day is picking him up after work and seeing that beautiful smile.  I'm not sure if it is just me, but I feel like he definitely knows who his mommy and daddy are.  We did not see him for almost a whole day and went to pick him up, and he immediately started smiling and laughing.  It makes everyday worth it.  And big news!! Eli rolled over!!  We have been giving him tummy time since he was a few weeks old, and the day he turned 14 weeks, I laid him on his stomach and he just rolled right over like he had been doing it forever!  He still can't get all the way around, but he can now roll from his stomach to his back and from his back to his side!  I was obviously, extremely excited and started cheering for him while he just smiled up at me.  I also managed to catch it on video! :-D

Friday, February 24, 2012


Our friend Kristen Smith takes some awesome pictures!  I would recommend her to anybody who wants to get some good shots!  We just spent 30 minutes taking a few pictures at a little place here in town. 

I think they turned out great!  Kristen did an awesome job, we definitely plan to get her to take more the older Eli gets, (and the warmer the weather gets!)

Friday, February 10, 2012

2 months!

I know it has been a while since I have updated the blog, sorry about that!  Eli is now 11 weeks old and growing like a weed!  At his two month check up, Eli weighed 11 lbs 4 oz, his head circumference was 15.5 inches and his height was 23.5 inches. About 50% in weight and head circumference and 75% in height, so basically, he is tall and skinny!  Eli LOVES to talk, he coos and gurgles all day, everyday, he said "mama" two days ago, (I know he doesn't realize I'm his mama, but it makes me feel great regardless!)   He also tries to roll over, we aren't quite there yet, but he tries and can succeed with a little help.  If you're holding him, 9 times out of 10, you better be standing him up!  He loves standing up and sitting in his bumbo like he's already so much older, I'm not sure if I like him growing up so quickly... Time is already flying before my eyes way too fast... Speaking of flying, David and I went to the airport Wednesday and wanted to take Eli but decided it might be a little early for that... We did put his aviator hat that Jessica got him on and he looked adorable!! 

My little pilot.

Eli loved his walk with mommy and daddy in his awesome stroller!

He loves to sit up like a big boy already!

Sweetest smile ever!

Quality Aunt Elizabeth time.

Loves his Aunt Lauren.

Love this sweet baby!

The grandchildren have no rules at the grandparents house.

My sweet, sweet nephew.

Eli playing with his cousin.

Here are a few flashes of what's been going on in Eli's neighborhood!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Christmas this year was wonderful!  Santa came to see Eli at our house and we've been to several gatherings, with one more to go!  We got up at 7 to see what Santa brought Eli, he stayed awake for that and for me and David to open his presents.  He was very excited... He spent time with grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins, we all had a great time getting to see our families, although we wish we could have seen everyone.  Here are some pictures from Christmas day.

My little Santa.

Christmas morning.

Carter-man playing with his toys.

Eli and Aunt Erin.

It had been a rough day of being held...
 Round Two!
Eli and Great-Grandpa.

Uncle Draper.

Eli and Mackenzie.

Four Generations.

Round Three!
Eli and his cousin Beckett.

Sweet man-man.

Loving this play mat.

Eli and Aunt Elizabeth.


Lila and Carter getting ready for presents!

What Tab-Tab?

Eli and Daddy.

My sweet nephew!          

I hope the pictures are showing up correctly for everybody else!  They look off on my screen for some reason. But we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!! :-)